It's been hard to sit down and write a post ....
Call it creature of habit, superstitious or whatever you wish!
Superstitious, for three and a half years we were in survival mode and kept with the same routine. We didn't dare deviate from it ... medicines were given the same way and same time everyday, we took the same route to and from Yale, parked in the same area, put the name badge on Teddy's neck instead of Colin's wrist, wore the same sweatshirt on LP/bone marrow days and did a lap in the healing garden after our vist. Call us creatures of habit, superstitious or whatever you dare but the fact of the matter is we are very proud we did not miss one medicine dose or treatment in three and a half years unless it was due to low counts. Our motto through this was......... don't deviate from the routine's working!
On December 19th, Colin received is last IV treatment
January 2, 2013 Colin took his last Wednesday chemo drug (aka ewww medicine)
Over 1,600 pills later on 1/7 Colin received his last pill chemo
3 years 3 months, 23 spinal taps, over 1,600 pills and 67 IV chemotherapy his LP confirmed no Leukemia cells!
On 3/15/2013 we closed this chapter of our journey when Colin's port was removed.

Now what? We're taking post traumatic stress head on as we begin to figure out what life is supposed to be or as the cancer world calls it our 'new normal'. As a family, we're rediscovering each other, regaining a healthy lifestyle and making memories a priority. For the past three and a half years, we survived the only way we knew how and were forced to put all major decisions, home projects, friendships and our own health on hold. We're slowly figuring out our new life but in the mean time we're happy to be able to put vacations and plans on our calendar without the looming question, depending on blood counts. Colin looks forward to playing baseball, spending time with the UNH baseball team, learning to swim, camping, attending birthday parties and so much more. Maddie is excited about gymnastics, swimming, doing karate with Colin, being a princess and much more! Mike and I are looking forward to breathing a little and enjoying our family!
Colin will continue his visits to Yale and will be monitored with routine checkups and blood draws over the course of the next several years. Our next milestone is January of 2014 when Colin will be one year off treatment. At this point his percentage of relapse decreases. From there the clock starts ticking for one more year until we reach January of 2015 when he is considered CURED. So, we will continue to worry, as we will for the rest of our lives, about the slightest bruise, fever, rash, ect but for now we are happy with perfect blood counts this week!
We can't begin to thank all of the people who have touched our lives. The new perspective on life that Colins's journey has provided to our family is simply to much to put in words. Thank you for all who have followed our blog and we will continue to post as we move to our new "normal".