Wednesday, December 30, 2009
4th Week Postponed ... Sigh of Relief
Monday, December 28, 2009
Merry Christmas!
That evening Daddy read Colin 'the night before Christmas' while Santa and his helpers worked all night on the big pile of gifts under the tree.
Christmas morning Colin walked into the living room with this frightful look on his face because he thought Santa was still here. It wasn't until Daddy told him Santa had gone home to the North Pole when he began to enjoy himself.
Let's open presents Daddy!
After a morning visit from Gigi, Papa and Uncle Jack Colin and Maddie took an early nap so we could continue the celebration at Aunt Liesl's house later Christmas afternoon...
More stories with Grandpa!
Off to Gigi and Papa's on Saturday for the Greening celebration!
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Third Week Postponed
Our normal Thursday routine started a day earlier this week due to Christmas. When Gigi arrived, Colin knew it was treatment day and got into serious mode. Once again he told the nurse what arm he wanted her to draw the blood from and the order of the vital signs. Because his counts weren't ready last week they had us wait for the results. It seemed like the never ending morning as we waited .. clinic was very busy because of the holiday so it took nearly two and a half hours to get the results. Again, Colin's counts were not high enough for treatment. While his hemoglobin count has increased his ANC level is extremely low (170). The ANC level must be at 750 for him to proceed with treatment. Colin's favorite new Dr (Dr. Joe) reassured us that this happens from time to time and he is not too concerned. He also stressed how Colin should not be in public places or around anyone who is sick because his immune system is very low. Should Colin's counts continue to be low next week he will have a bone marrow aspirate to to test the marrow. However, the Dr's and Nurse's are confident that the results will be negative for cancer cells but is required under protocol. A benefit of this test is that it may stimulate his marrow to boost production of blood cells and give us peace of mind that he remains in remission.
Despite a very long wait for the blood count results, we managed to keep Colin entertained with books and more books. He also enjoyed playing Santa while handing out gifts and cards (compliments of Aunt Ginny) to all his Doctor and Nurse friends.
Mike and I have taken this news pretty hard since we had convinced ourselves he was ready this week but today is a new day and while we have this on our minds we have decided we need to put it aside and make this a truly special and Merry Christmas holiday for our family.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Comment Section
This week we pray Colin's counts have rebounded enough to begin his next phase of treatment scheduled for Wednesday.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Postponed Again
Next treatment is scheduled for Wednesday.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Friday night Daddy and Grandpa held down the fort while Mommy and Grandma went to the third annual Greening Girl's cookie swap. The attendance grows each year as does the variety of cookies we all get to take home!
Saturday Colin spent the day with his Aunt Liesl and cousin Frankie while mommy and daddy started and almost completed their Christmas shopping! He had lots of fun! He also worked up an appetite and had a full bowl of Mac N Cheese for dinner (this appears to be his new favorite food..Kraft only though!)
Today was the holiday party in West Haven sponsored by the Tommy Fund and the Yale Children's Oncology Group. It was a fun day and included a visit from Santa! Colin wanted no part of Santa, but Maddie loved him, even tugging on his beard and giggling. Colin flirted with his new friend Hannah while Mommy and Daddy exchanged stories with her parents. It was also comforting to be surrounded by others and seeing family's at various stages in recovery. While we've been in touch with other family's who have previously been through this journey it's important for us to have a support system of family's currently going through this process as well.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Lots of Firsts
We've made our first ALL friend, Hannah, who is 18 months old and has the same diagnosis as Colin. She is four weeks behind Colin and hopes to come home from the hospital tomorrow. Hopefully Colin will get a chance to meet her soon but in the mean time Mommy and Daddy look forward to sharing stories as we progress through this journey.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Blood Count Education
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Dr. Day
Colin had his last treatment of this phase today. His treatment consisted of two injections. Once again he did great and Colin and Daddy went to visit the owls we spotted outside the ER. Now it has become part of the hospital routine. Colin's counts have decreased so we'll be watching him closely. Next treatment is next Thursday.
Maddie had her four month check up today and the results are in:
Height - 25" (75%)
Weight - 16lbs 2.5 oz (95%)
Head Circumference - 43cm (50%)
She received two vaccines today so Colin will be able to take her band-aids off tonight.
After both Dr. visits we made a quick visit at Brenda's house so Colin could play with the kids since it was 65 out today. It was great to see him doing laps around the house with Ryan, Jess and Liam. We also covered Brenda's driveway with chalk drawings during our visit.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Holiday Weekend
We had a great holiday weekend starting on Wednesday evening with a Xeller/Greening family reunion. The reunion was at Gigi and Papa's house where 6 out of 7 Xeller kids and their families took over the house. This was the first time Gigi and Papa had 10 young kids running around the house and we should have planned this event much sooner because we finally broke the bird clock (lol). Gigi pulled off a fabulous sit down dinner for 28 adults and children and it was a good time by all. Hopefully this will turn into an annual event.
Turkey Day was again at Gigi and Papa's house where we had another great dinner which consisted of Turkey, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, bread dressing, turkey potatoes and a ton of deserts. We were able to spend quality time with Gigi, Papa, Auntie Courtney, Uncle Mike, Uncle Jack, Uncle Ron, Aunt Kerrie, Cousin Morgan, Cousin Rachel, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Liesl, Uncle Joe and Cousin Frankie. At dinner this year, Gigi had everyone at the table pick someones name and we had to tell them why we were thankful to have them in our life. After dinner we chose our secret santa names in record time since no one picked themselves the second go around. As a group we decided to change things up this year and we incorporated a theme.... green. We can use our own definition of green so please post ideas for us!
On Saturday we helped Aunt Liesl, Uncle Joe and Cousin Frankie make a dent in their left overs. Grandma and Grandpa came for dinner too and worked up an appetite keeping up with Colin. Cousin Frankie taught Colin some songs on the piano and read lots of books! Colin's dinner was the filling from an apple pie ... he was up very late that night!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
What a Great Weekend!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Treatment Day
Colin received his chemotherapy through a spinal tap and Mommy and Daddy couldn't be more proud of him. Today, he talked through some of it naming all our family members and how he wanted to go for a walk with Gavin's car when we got home. This was a first.
After the procedure he drank his milk, ate a cheese stick and a cup of jello. The most he's eaten in five days! Once home he was pooped and took a 3+ hour nap.
Maddie is still wheezing and hasn't slept much today so we're looking forward to Aunt Liesl's Shepard's pie tonight, bath and bed. Next scheduled treatment is next Wednesday.
Another Day in the ER
Maddie spent some time with Nanny and Poppy and then GiGi brought her home to her house to see Papa. You should hear her giggle, cough and wheeze .. back to the Doctor we go.
Regular treatment day is tomorrow so we head back down there in the morning.
Both are tucked in and sleeping so we are going to do the same. Good Night.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Remission, Rapid Responder
Next appointment is on Monday for a blood check and they will check his chest again for the cough.
Maddie has been back to the Doctor because of her cough/wheezing and slight fever but the Doctor reassured us that her cough/wheezing is probably spiking right now and we should see an improvement over the next couple of days. She remains on the inhaler.
Signed tired Mommy and Daddy :)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
And the Food Keeps Coming!
Colin is back ... every morning he has each of his toys out by 9:00am and smiles/laughs more than ever. His next visit is scheduled for Thursday where we will review the results of his last bone marrow test and hopefully start his next phase of treatment.
Friday, November 6, 2009
8 Hours of Sleep
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Day 29
Day 29 Chemo Treatment - 11/3: Colin had to fast since midnight and started asking for milk around 4 am ... he was not a happy camper. We quickly packed up and headed down to Yale at 7:30.. we were about half an hour early which is a Westbrook trait however this was part of Mommy and Daddy's strategy ;) Around 9:30 Colin had a chemo spinal tap and a bone marrow aspiration. Once again he held both Mommy and Daddy's hands while looking into our eyes. The doctors and nurses say these procedures are harder for Mommy and Daddy to watch then it is on Colin. The procedure took a little longer than usual so Mommy and Daddy asked a bunch of questions. All was fine, just another doctor's style.
Monday, November 2, 2009
We'll Miss You Nanny
We love you Nanny and will miss you. Whenever we see a swan we'll think of you.
Nanny meets Maddie for the first time
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
One Month Post Diagnosis
Halloween: Colin was very excited to dress up for Halloween, he was Dr Colin and sported elmo slippers. Maddie was a Yankee cheerleader against Mommy's better judgement but Daddy was happy! Daddy made his famous stew, which has now become a Halloween tradition. Colin and Maddie spent the evening with Grandma, Grandpa, Nanny and Poppy and went to the neighbors houses to show off their costumes. They were pooped and in bed by 7:00.
Temperature: He scared Mommy on Wednesday with a slight increase in temperature - it didn't result in anything but a worried Mommy. Needless to say, we learned the day after chemo is a tough day for Colin.
This week: On Tuesday Colin is scheduled for a spinal tap which is how he will receive his chemo this week. He will also have a bone marrow aspiration. The results of this test will determine the next course of treatment.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Blood Counts on the Rebound
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Bone Marrow Test Results
Colin was very tired and clingy today, he took an early nap. Later in the day Mommy, Colin and Maddie enjoyed a nice walk in the 70 degree October weather. Gigi stopped over with dinner from another friend and took some time out to snuggle with Colin on the couch. When Daddy came home Colin had already eaten dinner so it was play time with Daddy before bed. Did I mention he's eating us out of the house? The steroids must be working.
Pictures from buzz day were added to yesterday's post.
Today Colin has 50 crew members (followers) ... we're speechless.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Buzz Day
We ended the day with a visit from Brenda, Colin's home away from home while Mommy and Daddy are at work. She gave Colin a buzz cut. So handsome ... we'll post pics tomorrow :)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Fourth Chemo Day
The three of us headed down to New Haven early this morning for our 8:30 appointment. Thank goodness we made it early because Colin couldn't eat anything after midnight last night and all he wanted this morning was his milk. Did I tell you all he's eating us out of the house with the steroids he's on. Anyway, once down there Colin was prepped and received another bone marrow test. He was much calmer this time than from previous. His platelet count is rebounding but his hemoglobin came down so he received a transfusion today. His immune system is VERY low right now so the doctor reminded us that Colin should not be around anyone who is sick.
On the Maddie note, she only got up once last night ... Yipppeeee! Gigi started out the day with Maddie and was relieved by Grandma and Grandpa.
Once home we went for a nice family walk, Colin walked for a while so he was pooped when we got back. He was asking to go nighty nighty at 6:00. We were able to hold him off until 6:45, gave him is meds and off to lala land he went.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers today :)
Launched Website
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Another Family Day!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Family Day
Friday, October 16, 2009
Clinic Day
Thursday, October 15, 2009
First Emergency Visit to Clinc
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Welcome home Colin and More Good News

Came home today! Packed up and left the hospital by 11:30. Went for a walk when first home and then had a great lunch. Colin had a huge smile when he saw his bed at nap time. More good news .. the nurse called and told us Colin's test results came back and he's responding well because half the cancer cells are gone already and spinal fluid was clear. Still on for bone marrow next week. Grandma made ravioli for dinner. Shared it with Gigi, Papa, Grandma and Grandpa. Organized all of Colin's meds and Colin successfully took them all. Ran to Walmart for a new high tech thermometer. Everyone off to sleep in their own beds :)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Third Chemo Day
Monday, October 12, 2009
Chromosone Test Results
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Hospital Day Nine

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Family Dinner, Hallway Car Races and a Visit from Dolly
Yogurt is still working with the steroid pill. We took a family walk in the morning and Colin brought back a book to read. Dolly the volunteer dog came to visit Colin and made his day.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Second Chemo Day
Colin took his steroid pill today with yogurt. First day without the IV. Platelet count came in low, received transfusion to increase the count in preparation for chemo later today. Colin was a trooper for the chemo shot, he was off cruising the halls within five minutes...we had a family race. Daddy and Colin had a slumber party and watched the Yankee game.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Full Day of Hospital Activities
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Hospital Stay Extended
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Subtype Results, First Chemo Day

Monday, October 5, 2009
First Chemo Day
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Admitted to the Hospital

(in the car before admission)