Thursday, December 30, 2010
On the Mend
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Merry Christmas & Fever/ER
You could tell Colin was a little anxious when he went to bed. He did however fall asleep quickly which is not the norm. The next morning he woke up bright and early and wanted to see what Santa brought. We woke Miss Maddie and headed down to see what Santa left. Colin tore through the presents in minutes and ended with a huge smile when he noticed the train table off in the corner. He played with it for hours and taught his sister how to make the trains go! A quick stop at Gigi and Papa's for a glimpse of what Santa left there was magical as we watched Colin teach Maddie how to open presents. Christmas day ended at Auntie Liesl and Uncle Joe's house where we had another wonderful meal. Colin was able to show some restraint in not tearing into the presents early in the day, but after a couple of hours, we thought he would burst if he had to wait any longer, and gave the green light. Oh, to be a kid again on Christmas day. On Sunday during our first nor'easter of the year, we celebrated Christmas at Gigi and Papa's with Nanny, Poppy, Auntie Courtney, Uncle Mike and Uncle Jack. The presents just kept coming and the smiles on the kids faces grew bigger and bigger each time. We'll post some pictures later this week!
During all the celebrating the four of us have been fighting off colds and last night Colin spiked a fever (101.7) so around 10:00pm Daddy and Colin headed to the ER. Anything above 100.4 is an ER visit for Colin. Once there he had a chest xray, blood draw, Tylenol and antibiotics. Since Colin's counts were good he was able to come home (they got home around 4:00am) so we've had a lazy day while Colin and Daddy slept the day away. The fever broke around 12:00 today and around 3:00 he changed locations from our bed to the couch. He is now enjoying some movies. Back to clinic tomorrow morning to receive his second dose of antibiotics.
Thanks for thinking of us and sending your love!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Chemo Day
Today Colin received his monthly IV chemo (vincristine) and started the week of steroid. After his treatment, he ran around, handing out home made carmel popcorn to all the doctors and nurses. He even gave a few lucky ones a hug! We actually have to go back because we ran out .. guess we underestimated how many wonderful people take care of our brave boy. Colin's counts are good! ANC is 2,000 which is higher than the range they like him to be (ANC 500-1500) but nothing to be concerned about. The Doctor's will monitor and adjust meds in a few weeks if his counts remain high. It is normal to increase dose periodically during this stage.
Just like clock work Colin took a super long nap today and developed dark circles under his eyes but Daddy ended the day with a special treat. He packed us all up for a nice cozy ride through the fantasy of lights in New Haven.
Colin, Maddie and Mommy continue to fight off a cold while we prepare for Santa. So another lazy day tomorrow to help kick it.
Thanks for checking in on us!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
3 year check up
On Monday, Colin had his three year check up with his pediatrician. The visit was a little overwhelming for us since it was his first visit back since his two year check up when he was first diagnosed. The visit went well and we were glad to here that his physical development continues to be well within the average range. Here are the numbers:
Weight: 33lbs 8 oz (75%)
Height: 37 5/8 inches (50%)
On Friday evening, we dressed Colin and Maddie in their pj's and drove down to Hubbard Park and drove through the festival of lights. From there, as Colin really wanted to see a Snowman and Rudolph, we drove around town, each picking our favorite decorated houses. By the time we came home, it was way past bedtime and both Colin and Maddie were soon asleep.
On Saturday, we continued to get in the Christmas spirit. We put up the Christmas tree, Colin and Mommy made crafty garland with construction paper and glue and Maddie and Daddy sorted all the non breakable ornaments! The night ended with a household tradition, a glass of wine, wrapping presents, and watching "It's a Wonderful Life" in front of a cozy fire.
The weekend ended with a family dinner at Gigi and Papa's house where we had a great meal and played all night with Nanny, Poppy, Gigi, Papa, Auntie Courtney, Uncle Mike and Uncle Jack.
This week will be full of Christmas preparation, a visit to clinic for monthly IV chemo and hopes for a white Christmas!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Counts are Good, Colin's Cookies for Cancer & New Haven Register Article
Last weekend was action packed. On Saturday we ventured out to the Lego convention in Hartford and once Colin got over the initial shock of the place he had a blast racing lego cars, building towers and visiting all the full scale displays as Maddie looked on from the comfort of her princess seat.
On Sunday, Colin's Crew hosted a bake sale fundraiser to benefit the Tommy Fund. The bakers went all out with carmel apples, gingerbread men, cupcakes, carmel popcorn and every kind of cookie you could imagine and thought of every detail! The Crew split into two groups and the 'grandmother's' primarily planned this event while the 'kids' focused on the February event, Colin's Polar Plunge. Stay tuned for details. 'Grandmother's' you all out did yourself this time!
New Haven Register Article
Also on Sunday .. Colin, our family and Colin's Crew were featured in the New Haven Register. We are honored to share our story about our brave boy and the success Colin's Crew has had. Below is a link to the article.
As for this weekend it's all about Christmas prep :) Thank you for checking in on us, enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
As we look at where we were last year in comparison to this year we can only pray we never return. It reminds us that life is precious and it's taught us to slow down and enjoy the "little" things in life which may otherwise go unnoticed.
While hospital visits, needle pokes and lots of medicine have been part of our life for a year now our knowledge of the 'c' word has expanded and we can actually say it without crying. With each day that passes we're closer to a cure and while we cannot predict the future we have hope and hope is what we are thankful for.
This Thanksgiving we enjoyed time with both the Greening and Westbrook sides of the family. Our day started by watching the parade .. Colin and Maddie were in awe by the balloons and marching bands. Next, we hopped into the car and made our way to our first stop, to Nanny's where we enjoyed some appetizers. During nap time, we loaded everyone back into the car in hopes the kids would nap while driving to Grandma and Grandpa (Ma and Pa's). The kids did fall asleep .. that we're thankful for! We enjoyed a wonderful Turkey dinner with Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie Liesl, Uncle Joe and Frankie.
That evening the kids (dog included) were up five times! .. at the 3:00 awakening we looked at each other and said now is our time to get up and hit the stores for Black Friday! We thought about it for a second, chuckled, rolled over and went right back to sleep. We joke about how we had five opportunities to head out for some early shopping.
On Saturday we enjoyed a second thanksgiving dinner at Gigi and Papa house with Nanny, Poppy, Auntie Courtney, Uncle Mike, Uncle Jack, Uncle Ron, Auntie Kerrie, Morgan, Rachel and the newest party of our family Navin (Jack's bud from school).
Oh so thankful to surround ourselves around our loving, supportive family during the holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!