
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Another Treatment Delay

Today was clinic day and unfortunately Colin's counts have dropped. His ANC needs to be 750 to receive treatment and they are under 400. The doctor's once again communicated this type of set back is normal however we are bummed because we would like the treatment to continue on schedule.

It was an emotional roller coaster preparing for the visit. Colin loves his milk and asks for it right when he gets up however in preparation for this visit Colin cannot eat or drink anything after midnight so you can imagine what a long morning it brings. Anxiety kicks in after two hours of explaining to a two year old who is screaming he cannot have milk. Upon arrival they drew Colin's blood and we sat and waited for the results while entertaining Colin in a small exam room. Mommy and Colin took a few laps around the floor to burn some energy and borrowed some crayons from the infusion room so we could color.

Next appointment is on Monday and once again it will be count dependent so in the mean time we are home bound with lots of precautions to keep Colin germ free since his immune system is VERY low.

A big shout out to our family and friends who filled our freezer again (Courtney, Liesl, Marissa, Joanne, Kathy, and Kim). Because of you all dinner has been one less thing we've had to worry about. Thank you all so much we truly appreciate it.

p.s. Maddie goes for her 6 month checkup tomorrow .. any bets on her size and weight?

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