Today Colin had his weekly visit and he quickly put on his game face when I told him we were going to put cream on his port. You see this means it's not just a blood draw from his arm but instead he gets accessed, blood is drawn from the port and they also administer the chemo. It amazes me how much he remembers and how he knows the difference at just three years old. Colin showed some anxiety after I put the cream on and was very clingy. Upon arrival, our volunteer friend quickly came to the rescue and swooped Maddie up so I could focus on Colin. Once again Maddie amazes me because she is happy bouncing from person to person and had a great time playing with the volunteer.
Even though Colin was experiencing some anxiety today he didn't flinch when he was accessed and didn't complain one bit during the chemo process. He was also distracted by his new friend the psychologist while they played a sponge bob matching game and built a tower.
The results are in and Colin's ANC is 1,000 which means he started all at home drugs again today including the ugly steroid. Grandma and Grandpa will be happy to hear the news because this means Colin will be able to go to the annual Westbrook clam steam this weekend!
We began potty training however because of the anxiety today we put on a diaper to go to clinic and I underestimated the diaper and we had an accident. So, Colin got a special pair of Dr pants today from one of the nurses!

This is a photo from last week ... Colin and Maddie having a tea party with the volunteer!

1 comment:
Not sure if you remember me, we met at Dr. Beardsley's funeral. I am her niece and my daughter Julianna also is in treatment for leukemia. Sounds like Colin is doing great-that is such wonderful news!! Julianna is now in maintenance and is back in a 4 year old preschool program 3 days a week.
Thinking of you and your family.
Take care,
Cathy Wasiuta
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