
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Counts Recovered

Easter weekend was a blast .. the kids loved all the egg hunts and once again they were spoiled by the family and our neighbors. Colin and Maddie had fun hunting for eggs left by the Easter Bunny. Quick story.....Saturday night Colin asked Daddy to put the basket of eggs on the deck so the Easter bunny could find them. Colin picked just the right spot on the deck and we "left" the eggs for the Easter Bunny....A little while later, as Colin was falling asleep, we went to retrieve the eggs....only to find 6 missing and the dog running away chopping on egg shells! Too funny! We'll post some pictures later this week.

Today Colin had a blood check and while his ANC has improved, it's improved more than the range they would like to see him in. His ANC was calculated at 3,700. The good news is that as his blood counts have recovered, he can resume his daily oral chemotherapy, starting at half the dose he was on prior to the halt in medication. The plan is to go back to clinic in two weeks for recheck. If still high, will increase dose by half until his ANC levels fall back in range between 750 and 1500.

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The Barnett Family said...

Thank Goodness. Colin went up. Ally went down. I love it when a plan comes together.

The Barnett Family said...

Thank Goodness. Colin's counts went up. Ally's went down. I love it when a plan comes together.