Like clock work later that afternoon Colin got dark circles under his eyes and it's at this point he visually looks sick. Most days he looks like a normal healthy child and you can tell yourself it's just medicine you give him to keep you emotionally stable. Every month at this point it breaks our hearts and puts cancer and this journey into perspective.
Maddie Update: Maddie had her two year check up and we're happy to report she's a happy healthy young girl. Weight 30.2 lbs (90%). Height 34 5/8" (75%). Her hemoglobin was perfect at 12.5. Won't lie.. the days leading up to her appointment were emotional as the pain and thoughts of Colin's diagnosis were front and center. While deep down inside you know everything is fine we're scared by the words 'your child has cancer'.
On a lighter note ...
Rewind: last week Maddison turned two! Our celebration started on her birthday with a visit from Gigi and Papa with pizza and ice cream cake. Followed by some Auntie time while Daddy and Uncle Joe went to the Friday Yankee game. Saturday friends and family gathered to celebrate life, you see we have a ton of summer birthday's so one big party was in store. Finally on Sunday eight cancer families gathered at our house for a summer picnic. While eight of the seventeen children have or had cancer you wouldn't be able to pick them out as they ran around and played all full of energy. They are all true heroes and we enjoy every minute with our 'new family'.
Dr Joe and Rocky:
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