Colin started pre-kindergarten and is adjusting quite well. He's hesitant when he goes and as the days pass his anxiety lessens. We know he's having a great time despite the hesitation because it's all he can talk about for hours after. This was a huge step for our family since last year Colin was not allowed to attend preschool. We've met with the teacher, speech therapist and nurse to discuss his situation and while everyone has been very accommodating and have reassured us they will keep a good eye on him we're anticipating lots of colds this fall/winter and are prepared to hunker down.
As we're sure you all know, this month is childhood cancer month, so we've been very busy supporting our cancer community. Volunteered at Kacey's Sunflower event * guests at a wine & beer tasting to benefit the Tommy Fund * ANC dance to benefit Colin's clinic friend Ms Mona * Guests at the Truck Convoy for Make a Wish.
We're still blown away by the love and support of this cancer community. While attending the Wine & Beer event another guest got wind that we were a cancer family and sent us out to dinner after the event. While we quickly tried to reverse the offer the gentleman ran away and said have a great dinner. It just proves that there are still 'nice' people out there.
Today while at the Make a Wish truck convoy Colin was on the search for a fire truck. Come to find out there was an anniversary celebration in Clinton so there weren't as many fire trucks to ride in however at the last moment a cop car opened up and the driver ran right over to us and asked Colin to ride with him. We rode up route 84 watching both children wave to every person on the side of the road. Once again seeing the 100s of people who came out to watch the convoy brought tears to Mommy's eyes.
Somewhere in between all this we loaded the kids into the car and headed to up state NY for the annual Greening reunion where fun was had by all!
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